
I appreciate when other sites share what helped make their home on the internet possible. I'll try my best to have a fairly comprehensive list for hopefully others to be inspired by.
  • - Layout base. Thank you for giving me a great starting point for my very own slice of internet!
  • - This site is great for someone like me who has a TEENY bit of knowledge of coding and wants to play around with codes to see *what happens when you do this?!*
  • - Helpful for when I need to look up certain elements to suit my webdesigning needs
  • - For miscellaneous codes and tutorials
  • - For the guestbook
  • Canva - Where I put together my headers
  • I can not pinpoint the exact link for the lightbox code I used as a template, but it was found on CodePen and the author is Maciej Cieslik. I referenced this code heavily for style inspiration.
  • Cursor sparkley effect
  • One of my favorite fonts EB Garamond makes up my body text. Kalnia is used for Headings.
  • helped get my widget working

The process

I use Bear for my note taking. I use Notion for my personal wiki and database. I use Flickr to host photos. I use Brackets to code because I need to see what it looks like after every edit lol.

I surf the indie web regularly, just like I used to do in the old days pre-social media! I use the inspect element to kind of read through how some websites are built and styled. I also browse frequently for fun codes and inspiration.